"Shouldn't More People Know About Your Book, Product, or Message?"

If you'd like to reach a larger audience for your work, apply for my...
National Publicity Summit
Seven Online Meetings With Media
June 2–14, 2025
This is your chance to meet via Zoom with at least 75 hosts, producers and journalists seeking new stories and show ideas... all without leaving your home or office!

And to make sure you're more than ready to meet the media, we'll give you the training and tools you need to successfully pitch them

— resources and skills you can use to generate publicity for yourself both now and for years to come!

Without having to go anywhere at all, you can have personal, face-to-face appointments with at least 75 producers and writers who do shows and stories for media outlets, including such shows and publications as...

These outlets aren't affiliated with or endorse the Summit, but producers and writers who do stories and shows for them have participated in the past, and we expect to have most of them back... plus we're adding more!

"Amazing Media Training" Helps Author Reach the Readers Her Book Needs to Reach

Important: Major national media features are highly competitive and challenging to secure, and only a small percentage of our attendees achieve them. The typical attendee is more likely to secure bookings on radio and/or podcasts. Success is not guaranteed and results vary based on individual effort, experience, and the market appeal of your book, product, or message.

Apply To Meet 75+ Media On Zoom Who Can Feature You And What You Do

From: Steve Harrison

Dear Friend,

Are you interested in getting more publicity for your book... your products and services... your cause... your message?

Maybe you dream of being featured on a major national TV program: ABC’s The View, Live with Kelly & Mark, MSNBC, Fox News Channel, or NBC's Dateline...

Or a magazine or newspaper like Time, People, or the New York Times.

Even if you're not seeking national publicity, you may have been frustrated figuring out how to convince your local newspaper or TV and radio stations to feature you.

Or perhaps you wonder if you should do podcast interviews in order to reach more people with whatever it is you have to offer.

Whatever kind of publicity you're after, there's good news and there's bad news.

Let me give you the bad news first...

It’s harder than ever to get the media's attention

It’s getting more and more difficult to get coverage in the media.

The reason is simply this: There’s more competition than ever!

With today’s technology, anyone can publish a book, launch a website, or create a product in a few short weeks.

Consequently, more people than ever are hounding the media with messages that essentially boil down to this: “Please interview me!!!”

I'll never forget a visit I once made to a producer friend at CBS in New York.

We went to her office after we had lunch...

And I was absolutely shocked by what I saw.

Her office was filled with an overwhelming number of books and press kits piled everywhere… on shelves… on tables… on her desk... even on the floor.

But that wasn’t nearly as surprising as what I saw next.

A new box of press materials was being brought to her every five minutes – and I am NOT exaggerating.

It was as if, in a former life, she had offended the publicity gods, and they now wanted to torture her with a never-ending stream of press materials that kept coming and coming and coming.

This is a big problem for her... but it’s an EVEN bigger problem for you, if you want publicity.

With this daily onslaught of books, press releases, emails, flyers, and phone calls, your chances of getting a writer or producer's attention are slim...

...unless you already have access to them, that is!

The Summit will open your mind to all kinds of publicity possibilities!

Important: Major national media features are highly competitive and challenging to secure, and only a small percentage of our attendees achieve them. The typical attendee is more likely to secure bookings on radio and/or podcasts. Success is not guaranteed and results vary based on individual effort, experience, and the market appeal of your book, product, or message.

Now you can bypass the crowd and
meet at least 75 producers, journalists and podcasters face-to-face online!

Have you ever felt if you could just meet producers or writers, you would finally get the publicity and exposure you deserve?

Now you can get that chance.

I know from personal experience if producers and writers know you, they’re much more likely to read what you send them.

Think what cultivating your own relationships with the media could do for you.

They’re more likely to respond to your emails or return your phone calls.

If you know them, your material will likely be more “on target” with what they really are looking for.

You’ll increase your odds of getting booked on their shows, or having them refer you to one of their friends in the media.

The possibilities are endless – but only if you know them.

So here’s the good news: If you’re serious about getting publicity—including possibly national publicity—I have an opportunity for you that could quite literally change your life for the better.

I’m going to offer you the chance to meet and learn directly from media professionals, including several who work for some of the nation’s most influential media outlets . . .

And all without leaving the comfort and safety of your own home or office.

My National Publicity Summit brings the media to you!

"The training alone, before we even met the media, was so powerful"

Important: Major national media features are highly competitive and challenging to secure, and only a small percentage of our attendees achieve them. The typical attendee is more likely to secure bookings on radio and/or podcasts. Success is not guaranteed and results vary based on individual effort, experience, and the market appeal of your book, product, or message.

Depending on your goals, just one major article or interview could help you…
Now, getting publicity doesn't automatically guarantee any specific result beyond the publicity itself...

But the most successful author-experts I've worked with know how to leverage the publicity they get into other opportunities.

I've seen many authors who get more publicity go on to:
  • Sell more books, products, or services.

  • Persuade more retailers to stock your book or product (and give you special placement in their window or on their front counter).

  • Impress more customers and prospects by saying they were featured in big-time national media, boosting their advertising’s effectiveness by saying things like, “As seen on Fox News...”

  • Get paid to speak at companies and conferences.

  • Be invited to host a radio or TV show.

  • Attract licensing or foreign rights deals.

  • Educate the public, change public opinion or get new legislation passed.

  • Become a syndicated columnist or regular guest.

  • Get more publicity as other writers and producers hear about you.

  • Be the “expert” the media call when your topic hits the news.

  • Land more consulting clients.

  • Get even more publicity as the word about them spreads.


If it hadn’t been for one conversation,
“Dr. Phil” would be “Dr. Nobody”

Even a single conversation or one personal introduction to the right person at the right time can forever alter the course of your life.

That’s what happened to a Texas-based psychologist several years ago.

He hadn’t even written a book. He owned a company that helped lawyers predict how juries would likely vote in certain cases.

One day, a lawyer he worked with had a client walk in.

And this was no ordinary client. It was Oprah Winfrey!

She was distraught and upset about being sued by the beef industry and didn’t understand why she had to defend herself.

The psychologist talked to her in strong terms and told her to “Get real!”

She was so impressed with his blunt way of telling the truth, she booked him as a guest on her show. He was so good he appeared again and again.

As a result, he now has bestselling books and his own show, and is known around the world as “Dr. Phil.”

How meeting ONE producer got Deepak Chopra millions of dollars' worth of publicity on PBS

Meeting the right people at the right time is also one of the biggest secrets to Deepak Chopra’s success.

I once asked him how he got the opportunity to appear on PBS so many times. His answer was simple. He said he met one of the producers and “she made it all happen.”

When done right, meeting producers and writers face-to-face is the absolute best way to stand out from the pack.

Do YOU Know How to Pitch the Media Effectively—and Would You LIKE to Know?

In the last 30+ years, I've helped more than 15,000 entrepreneurs, experts, speakers, and authors get publicity. And I can tell you this:

Knowing how to get the media's attention and pitch yourself and your message effectively takes a lot of specific skills.

That’s why I’m going to do more than just introduce you to the media.

I’m going to train you to put your best foot forward.

You’ll take part in my Summit prepared to make the most of your opportunity.

Toy designer lands radio interviews and spot on Good Morning America

I showed up at the National Publicity Summit because I was trying to figure out, “How do I get on TV? How do I talk to the media? How do I learn what triggers their interest?”

I was a little nervous and scared wondering how easy or difficult getting publicity would be. But the first thing Steve and his team did was to teach everyone, “Here’s how it works. Here’s what you're supposed to do. Here’s how you speak to the media on their level.” The training you get shows you that you don’t need to be the Michael Jordan of publicity to get this done. Anyone can do it if they learn how.

I pitched everyone I could, and was immediately booked on three radio shows. I also pitched one outlet that wasn’t an exact fit—it was a news channel and I was promoting a toy—but once I did all the things Steve recommended, the producer said, “Give me your info; I have a friend I need to introduce you to.” That friend was a producer at Good Morning America and that connection led to me getting booked on GMA!

The Summit is fantastic. It’s empowering and gives you credibility in your field. When anyone asks me about getting publicity, I recommend the National Publicity Summit. It’s 1,000% awesome in every way, on every level.

— Perry "The Inventor" Kaye, Founder/CEO Perry Teri Toys LLC

Important: National TV appearances are highly competitive and challenging to secure, and only a small percentage of our attendees achieve them. The typical attendee is more likely to secure bookings on radio and/or podcasts. Success is not guaranteed and results vary based on individual effort, experience, and the market appeal of your book, product, or message.

I’ve gotten more authors booked on radio/TV shows than any publicist or PR firm on the planet -
more than 15,000!

I’m Steve Harrison and I publish Radio-TV Interview Report (RTIR), the e-zine producers read to find guests.

We put out two issues a week. Each one contains at least 20 paid write-ups about different authors and experts available for interviews. We do all the work, including the copywriting.

Our clients are usually contacted by radio talk show hosts who want to interview them via telephone.

We’ve also had our advertisers get booked on national TV shows including Oprah, Good Morning AmericaToday, CNN Headline News, and more.

"No one had heard of Chicken Soup for the Soul..."
Buddy Spilchuk

No one had heard of Chicken Soup for the Soul until we advertised in Radio-Television Interview Report. When our book was first published no one knew who we were. But of all that changed after appearing on hundreds of radio and television talk shows... Our ads in Radio-TV Interview Report helped us hit #1 on the New York Times Bestseller List.

Mark Victor Hansen, co-creator of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series

"Without Steve Harrison and his team..."

Without Steve Harrison and his team, Rich Dad Poor Dad never would have become the #1 personal finance book of all time.

Robert Kiyosaki, author,
Rich Dad Poor Dad

The single greatest secret to
getting TONS of publicity

The simple reason our clients are so successful is we know how to train them to present themselves to the media in such a way that producers scramble to interview them.

Here’s what I know that so many people don’t:

The biggest reason most people who want publicity
don’t get coverage is
they don’t know how to really think like
producers or writers

Why would a talk show producer want to book you as a guest, or why would a writer want to interview you, as opposed to someone else with similar expertise?

That’s the question I often ask clients to help them start forming a “hook” that will attract the media.

If I had a nickel for every client who has responded to that question with some version of “I’m not really sure,” I would be rich indeed!

But you need more than just one good answer to that question to get the publicity you deserve. You need three or four.

Many authors and experts have knowledge, passion and enthusiasm. But through no fault of their own, they don’t know how best to position themselves in the media's eyes.

They overlook several – sometimes dozens – of their own strong points. And if they would only express those points, the media would be a lot more likely to be a lot more interested in them.

I call these overlooked points “hidden assets,” and everyone has them.

We’re going to help you mine the “hidden assets” of your personal story to help you develop different hooks and pitches to different types of media.

She became a regular contributor on the Dr. Oz show

Important: National TV appearances are highly competitive and challenging to secure, and only a small percentage of our attendees achieve them. The typical attendee is more likely to secure bookings on radio and/or podcasts. Success is not guaranteed and results vary based on individual effort, experience, and the market appeal of your book, product, or message.

Knowing how to persuade the media to give you coverage could put more money in your pocket

Knowing the right words to say and knowing the right things to do to land media coverage can make all the difference to the impact you have and the income you make.

Years ago, I gave a nutritionist a simple seven-word phrase he then used to attract the media’s attention.

It worked beyond his wildest dreams! I estimate it’s booked him on more than a thousand radio/TV talk shows in a decade and has been worth millions of dollars to him.

Now, results like his are not typical. But they show what’s great about a good “hook”– you can use it over and over for years. That nutrionist is now a best-selling author and speaks at conferences on the same stages as some very famous people.

I can't and don't promise you that every time you pitch a producer or writer, you’ll be successful...

But if you really know how to think like a producer or writer, you’re well equipped to generate a steady stream of publicity month after month, year after year.

Watch What Happened When This Small Town Entrepreneur Met National TV Producers During the Publicity Summit...

Important: National TV appearances are highly competitive and challenging to secure, and only a small percentage of our attendees achieve them. The typical attendee is more likely to secure bookings on radio and/or podcasts. Success is not guaranteed and results vary based on individual effort, experience, and the market appeal of your book, product, or message.

Do you believe any of
these common PR myths?
  1. “I need a nice press kit comprised of a folder and several sheets of paper in order to impress the media.”

  2. “I shouldn’t contact any media until my book or product is all ready to go.”

  3. “If I can persuade the media how important my message is, they’ll give me coverage.”

  4. “Most media would rather talk to my publicist than me.”

  5. “The best document to send to the media to get publicity is a press release.”

A lot of old ways of getting publicity don’t work today. Too many people follow old, worn-out advice that's doomed to cost them a lot of time and money and get them nowhere.

When you participate in my National Publicity Summit, you’ll discover insider secrets to getting booked on TV, radio, and podcasts, as well as being written up in magazines and newspapers.

What's more, you’ll be able to directly tell writers and producers why they should give you coverage, and see what they say.

But you don't always have to take that approach. In fact, depending on where you are in your project and how much experience you have pitching the media, it might not be. A better approach might be to realize you can learn a lot by asking for the media's advice, getting information, establishing a relationship with them, then following up accordingly.

Let me ask you a question:

How many journalists/producers have you interviewed about what you’re promoting?

In other words, how many reviewers, writers, and producers have you talked to and said, “What would you want to see from me which would make you most interested in interviewing me or writing about what I’m doing?”

If you’re like most people I talk to, you’ve never done it.

And, until now, you’ve never had the chance.

But think how much more likely you are to ultimately succeed if you can first hear what media members like and don’t like about the book, product, service or idea you’re promoting.

You’d be able to use that feedback to refine how you approach the media, and position yourself to attract more publicity as a result.

How would you like to get on the radar of
shows and publications like these...?

48 Hours

ABC News

ABC's The View



BUST Magazine

CBS News



Forbes Health


Good Housekeeping

Good Morning America


Martha Stewart Living

NBC News

New York Daily News

New York Times


OK! Magazine




Rachael Ray Show

Reader's Digest

Real Simple



Tamron Hall Show

The Cut

Today Show


Washington Post

Woman's Health

…more are being added!

In addition to big TV shows and publications like these, I regularly have at least 30 radio stations and podcasts represented at the Summit.

Producers and journalists who do stories and shows for all these outlets have participated in my previous Summits. I expect many if not most of them to be taking part in my next Summit, and we're adding new media professionals as well.

Summit Helps Attendee Get Her Charitable Mission on The Today Show for Memorial Day

Summit attendee Meredith Iler founded The Wounded Hero Home Program and led a multimillion-dollar fundraising campaign for Helping a Hero, an organization that has helped fund houses for over 100 wounded U.S. veterans. Meredith made connections at the Summit that led to a prominent feature of Helping a Hero on NBC’s Today Show during Memorial Day weekend!

Important: National TV appearances are highly competitive and challenging to secure, and only a small percentage of our attendees achieve them. The typical attendee is more likely to secure bookings on radio and/or podcasts. Success is not guaranteed and results vary based on individual effort, experience, and the market appeal of your book, product, or message.

How else will you make personal connections with 75+ producers and journalists?

We're still finalizing the list of the media who'll take part in our Summit, but the lists above give you a good idea of the kind of media outlets we have established relationships with, and the wide variety of them who are eager to find authors and experts through us.

We'll have at least 75 media representatives taking part in the Summit on Zoom...

One of them might be the one who gives you the publicity boost you want!

[** An Important Note —
 My lawyer would kill me if I didn’t say the following: The participation of the media listed in this letter does not imply any endorsement of the event or my company. Furthermore, although individuals with the above organizations have told us they will take part in the National Publicity Summit, it is possible that illness, job transition, or a breaking story may cause them to cancel. My company, Bradley Communications Corp., does not guarantee the participation of any particular person or media organization; however, 
we do guarantee we will have at least 75 professional members of the media taking part in our Summit.)

On CBS News Within a Week of the Summit

Within just a week of the Summit I shot a four- or five-minute consumer watch story for CBS’ The Early Show. We shot it out on Long Island. CBS News flew me out there and put me up in a nice hotel with a car and a driver and everything. It was great. Things have been moving along pretty good and I wanted to thank you, Steve, and your staff. You are top shelf, top notch all the way.

Jim Vonmier, CEO of Septic Protector, a company that makes washing machine filters

Important: National TV appearances are highly competitive and challenging to secure, and only a small percentage of our attendees achieve them. The typical attendee is more likely to secure bookings on radio and/or podcasts. Success is not guaranteed and results vary based on individual effort, experience, and the market appeal of your book, product, or message.

To hear exactly what Jim said when he called our office, click the player below:

Freelance writers offer you the
"secret passageway" to getting written up in magazines

My wife Laura is a HUGE murder-mystery buff. When she’s watching one on TV, she’s always getting me to watch it with her.

I like the old black and white films – the ones that take place in a huge English mansion with a big, beautiful library. And in that library there’s often a false bookcase that opens on a “secret passageway” leading to another part of the house.

Well, my National Publicity Summit offers a sort of "secret passageway" when it comes to getting media coverage.

You’ll meet several top writers who contribute to major magazines. Unlike staff writers, they’re not bombarded by press materials because they’re not on most people’s media lists. And they have a financial incentive to find good stories and write about you.

They also typically work for several publications. In fact, many of not only the writers but also the producers, journalists, and other media pros who participate are freelancers who work for several shows, publications, or other outlets.

Whether they're able to book or feature you right away, your meeting with them could well keep you "top of mind" three months, six months, or even longer.

Another plus… the media folks you meet may tell other writers and producers about you

Remember, it’s just not the media you meet online at the Summit who can help you. Sometimes it’s who THEY know.

Producers and writers usually have friends who are also producers and writers for other shows and magazines. If they’re impressed with you, they may tell their friends in the media about you, and you could wind up getting huge amounts of publicity. Or, they might suggest that you call someone they know for whom your story would be perfect. The fact that you can now use their name and say to a journalist “Joanne over at XYZ show said I should contact you” can often open doors that would otherwise be closed, and get you the media attention you deserve.

How podcasts can help you make a greater impact as well as grant you media "immortality"

Podcasts—internet "radio shows" that people can listen to any time they want to—are booming. That's good news for authors and experts like you who want more people to know about you.

Podcasts generally reach smaller audiences than the big-time radio broadcasts do. But that's by design. Podcasters are appealing to a niche audience—an audience that's already interested in and excited about the show's topic, and usually more predisposed to hear from (not to mention buy from) someone new who cares about that topic, too.

What's more, podcasts often give their guests MUCH more time to talk than national radio broadcasts will. That's partly because podcasts aren't constrained by broadcast schedules and commercial breaks, and also partly because the hosts and their guests are passionate about the subject, and are eager to take "deep dives" into it.

Finally, I like to say podcasts can make you "immortal." Unlike a traditional radio or TV broadcast, podcasts can stay on dedicated websites for years. Whenever somebody new gets interested in the podcast's topic, they can search the internet and find the podcast, including the segment on which YOU were a guest, talking about your book or your product. My brother Bill talks about how he'll buy books he heard discussed on podcasts from three years ago, five years ago, and more! As long as the podcast's producers keep their archives online, you could make sales off of one appearance for years to come.

We routinely have about 30 podcast and radio show professionals participating in the Summit, looking for authors and experts like you they can feature.

How does the National Publicity Summit work?

The National Publicity Summit will give 65 authors, experts and entrepreneurs the chance to pitch and make personal connections with at least 75 members of the media.

It all starts Monday, June 2 with an orientation and a tech walk-through, to make sure you're comfortable with our simple process and to minimize the chances of any "hiccups" along the way.

Then, we'll offer six "Meet the Media" sessions via Zoom, spaced apart to make it easier for everyone to take part.

So here's the full schedule (please note, all times are Eastern Time):

  • Pre-Event Orientation -  Monday, June 2 (2 p.m. - 6 p.m.) 
  • Session 1 - Tuesday, June 3 (5:30 p.m. - 10 p.m.)
  • Session 2 - Thursday, June 5 (5:30 p.m. - 10 p.m.)
  • Session 3 - Saturday, June 7 (1 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.)
  • Session 4 - Tuesday, June 10 (5:30 p.m. - 10 p.m.)
  • Session 5 - Thursday, June 12 (5:30 p.m. - 10 p.m.)
  • Session 6 - Saturday, June 14 (1 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.)

We've come up with an efficient, innovative and FUN way for you and your fellow participants to introduce yourselves and pitch your work to the media in these Zoom meetings. Those who've taken part have loved it!

Got publicity in five major women’s magazines

I was booked on one national syndicated radio show, another station in Long Island, and received publicity in Health magazine, Glamour, Woman’s Day, Parenting, Redbook and Fox News.

— Dr. Michael Broder, bestselling author of four books including Can Your Relationship Be Saved?

Important: Major national media features are highly competitive and challenging to secure, and only a small percentage of our attendees achieve them. The typical attendee is more likely to secure bookings on radio and/or podcasts. Success is not guaranteed and results vary based on individual effort, experience, and the market appeal of your book, product, or message.

Full-page feature story in USA Today

I received this full-page story in USA Today!!! It all happened as a result of going to your National Publicity Summit and what I learned there. When the story ran, I received hundreds of phone calls from across the country and the makers of the movie Ali now want to do a movie of my life.

— Orrin Hudson, BeSomeOne.org

Important: Major national media features are highly competitive and challenging to secure, and only a small percentage of our attendees achieve them. The typical attendee is more likely to secure bookings on radio and/or podcasts. Success is not guaranteed and results vary based on individual effort, experience, and the market appeal of your book, product, or message.

New to the publicity game?
The pre-Summit training you'll get makes you more than ready to meet the media
(Many say this training alone is worth the price!)

People who take part in the Summit have a wide range of previous publicity experience. Some are experienced publicists who realize the value of meeting journalists and producers face-to-face. But many others are new to the publicity game and how it works.

Whether experienced pro or newbie, almost everyone feels nervous about meeting media. But that feeling quickly fades when they start meeting journalists/producers and realize most media folks are genuinely nice people.

What's more, we'll give you ready-to-use resources and proven tools and techniques for landing media coverage.

What you discover will help you not just during the Summit but throughout your career as an author/expert, enabling you to generate publicity for yourself whenever you want or need to!

Here's everything you get...

Your Personal Publicity Advisor

Who better to teach you how to attract media than an actual media member? You’ll be assigned a current or former radio/TV producer, a print journalist, or a web journalist who knows what works (and what doesn’t) when it comes to getting media attention.

Your Personal Publicity Advisor will get to know you and what you offer in detail, and will coach you, train you, and guide you throughout the program as you make meaningful media connections.

The Step-by-Step “Make Me Mediagenic Process” Sets You Up to Succeed

Through both one-on-one consults with media experts and weekly live, interactive group coaching calls on Zoom, you’ll discover and master critical skills you need to become the kind of author and expert the media can’t wait to feature.

These are proven and powerful “tools” every author and expert needs to have in their “toolbox.” They’ll not only help you get more exposure—they’ll help you make the most of it so it keeps moving your career forward.

During your “Make Me Mediagenic” training, you’ll get…

  • Compelling "hooks" that practically make the media pay attention.

“Hooks” are strong points you already have, crafted and communicated in ways the media can’t resist. Most authors and experts are so close to themselves and their work, they overlook these “hidden assets.” We’ll help you find at least 5 of them and polish them into hooks that make the media eager to find out more.

  • Effective “sound bites” that sum up your message so people will respond.

We’ll coach you to speak in brief but meaningful and memorable phrases that get your most important points across before people have time to tune you out. When you can succinctly sum up what you have to say and why it matters, you stand a much better chance of being heard, AND of landing media coverage.

  • “Signature stories” only you can tell that the media will want to highlight.

A “signature story” is a real-life, personal narrative that crystallizes who you are and why you do what you do with unforgettable impact. They can help you shape your personal brand and can help convince the media YOU are the person to listen to in your area of expertise.

  • The proven “35-second pitch” formula for getting publicity.

Attention spans today are short, but you can use that fact to your advantage. We’ll show you exactly how, in just over half a minute, you can pique the media’s interest and persuade them to feature you.

  • A one-sheet that “wows” journalists and producers and lifts you to the top of the pile.

A well-written, well-designed one-sheet shows media, at a glance, your value as a guest or an interview subject. We’ll help you put together a one-sheet that will get lots of media eyeballs on it… and could land you loads of media coverage as a result.

  • A 3-paragraph email template to grab the media's attention.

Media inboxes are overflowing with email, but we’ll hand you a short, 3-paragraph template you can use to make your emails stand out so more journalists and producers pay attention… AND feel practically compelled to respond, opening a conversation with you that could pay off in big publicity dividends.

  • Making the most of your interview – before, during, and after.

Savvy authors and experts know: The interview in and of itself is important, but even MORE important is how you prepare for it, how you control it while it’s happening, and how you use it after the fact. Don’t land the interview you’ve dreamed of and then not make it work as hard for you as you possibly can!

  • How to look your best on Zoom.

Like it or not, the old saying about first impressions is true: You never get a second chance to make one. We’ll show you all the tips and tricks you can use to make a professional impact when you appear on a video call. You’re the expert—we’ll help you look like it!

And don't worry if you have to miss any of the group coaching calls. We'll record all of them so you can watch (or watch again) at your convenience.

How National Publicity Summit media training helped even a seasoned Hollywood producer!

Important: Major national media features are highly competitive and challenging to secure, and only a small percentage of our attendees achieve them. The typical attendee is more likely to secure bookings on radio and/or podcasts. Success is not guaranteed and results vary based on individual effort, experience, and the market appeal of your book, product, or message.

Think this all sounds too good to be true?
So did Lisa and Ron initially... but then they got on
Today Show and Fox & Friends

If you’re reading this letter thinking, “This just sounds too good to be true,” I understand. It’s natural to be skeptical about something which promises so much.

But stay with me and keep reading the rest of this letter.

One thing you’ll notice is I’m offering a complete more-than-all-your money-back guarantee – so you have nothing to lose.

Would I do that if I didn’t know I could deliver?

You’ll also notice I’m going to a lot of effort to give you example after example of bona fide testimonials – real people who were in your situation not too long ago.

These testimonials are from people who attended my Summit when it used to be an in-person event. But all their stories show how thinking like the media and making personal connections with them make the difference. And you'll be mastering that skill and making those kind of personal connections online. 

These people, too, wondered if my National Publicity Summit was too good to be true, but they took part. And boy, are they glad they did!

In fact, one of those people was Lisa Beres. Here’s her story…

Wife overcomes husband’s skepticism about Summit and as result they both appeared on The Today Show and Fox News Channel!

When I first read about the National Publicity Summit, I was nervous to even present it to my husband Ron—he’s usually skeptical of these things. But he checked you out and we both decided to come. It completely exceeded our expectations! We didn’t have the slightest idea how to get publicity for ourselves. The Summit gave us not only the opportunity to meet these producers face to face, but it also gave us the tools to follow up, to put together a solid press kit, have great story pitches, and different ways to target producers. We were a new business that hadn’t been around very long. The Summit changed everything for us! We were booked on Fox News Channel’s Fox & Friends, Today Show, a dozen radio shows, plus newspapers and magazines! We were shocked by the number of orders and signups to our list.

— Lisa Beres

Important: National TV appearances are highly competitive and challenging to secure, and only a small percentage of our attendees achieve them. The typical attendee is more likely to secure bookings on radio and/or podcasts. Success is not guaranteed and results vary based on individual effort, experience, and the market appeal of your book, product, or message.

Have questions?
 Here are the answers!

Q: My book or product isn’t finished yet. Isn’t it a bit early for me to take part in the Summit?

No, actually it’s the ideal time. Most people waste thousands of dollars and years of time developing a book or product only to find that what they have created has a lot less media appeal than they initially realized. If they had just done a few things differently, it would have made all the difference. I’ve lost count of how many authors I’ve met at publishing conferences who say, “I wish I'd come to this conference BEFORE I wrote my book. Now I’ve got to go back to the drawing board.” By participating in my National Publicity Summit, you’ll learn how the publicity game works so you can play it to win. You’ll avoid making costly errors and losing valuable time, and get started on the right foot.

Q: Is it still worthwhile for me to meet these media if my book / product isn’t available to the public yet?

Think of the media I’m assembling online as your advisors. Imagine if you were to simply tell them about the book or product you plan to create and ask for their feedback. You could ask what they would want to see you include in order to get their interest. I promise you their advice will be of enormous value. Their feedback might simply lead to your changing the name of your book/product or adding something to it – simple changes that can easily make THE DIFFERENCE as to whether or not they give you coverage. The National Publicity Summit will help you make your project more “media-friendly” from the start.

Q: How many of the people who take part in your Summit got publicity as a result?

Almost everyone who's participated in my previous Summits has gotten some publicity as a result. If they didn’t get national TV or print, they at least got publicity on one or more radio talk shows or podcasts. Many are still following up on contacts they made. It's the personal connection with media that makes the difference. All you need is one person to be interested in you and that opportunity could be worth many times the cost of taking part in my Summit.

Q: I’m shy – even downright scared – to meet these media people. What should I do?

You’re not alone! Many of the other participants feel the same way regardless of how much they have accomplished so far. It might comfort you to know many producers and writers are a bit nervous too. After all, they’ve never met YOU before, and they also don’t know what to expect.

But remember, these producers and writers are just people. They don’t bite. In fact, they WANT to meet you – otherwise they wouldn’t be taking part! They wouldn't be carving out time for our Zoom sessions. They’re looking for good stories and people they can interview. They’re going to be nice and friendly because they want you to think well of them and the media organizations they represent.

If you’re shy about meeting the media, that in itself is why you should participate! If you’re really nervous, it’s probably because you don’t yet feel prepared or confident enough to approach them. You’re certain to feel more confident and excited after you participate in my pre-event conference calls and read the material I’m going to send you to get ready.

Lastly, don’t think that you have to “close the deal” with these media folks during the Summits. There’s a lot to be said for first approaching each media person with the intention of building a relationship with them. Once you’ve met them and know what they’re looking for, you’ll have greatly increased your odds of success when you follow-up with them.

Q: Am I really going to be able to have one-on-one time with these media folks?

Yes. We limit how many people take part. Only 65 authors and experts can participate in the Summit. You'll get two minutes of uninterrupted time to meet and pitch each of the 75+ media representatives.

Q: Can you promise I'll instantly land publicity with a national media outlet?

No, I can't, for a few reasons. For one thing, the bigger the media outlet, the more competition for coverage you have. (Of course, because you'll have received our pre-Summit training, you'll have an edge so many authors and experts don't!) Also, sometimes the media you meet from bigger outlets have to consult with a larger group before booking guests. That process can take as long as a few months. But because you'll have met these professionals face-to-face and have gotten them interested in you, you can be sure they'll be championing you in those group meetings!

While I can't make a 100% guarantee you'll quickly score national media coverage, I can assure you the Summit makes it far more likely you'll achieve that goal than you would on your own.

Q: I want more publicity, but I'm not sure I want national coverage right now. What can you do to help me?

Plenty! You don't have to have your heart set on an interivew on GMA or a write-up in the New York Times to get success out of the Summit.  Local or regional publicity is nothing to turn up your nose at. In some cases, it might prove even more effective than national coverage, because the media covering you knows how your message, products, or services will appeal to a specific, targeted market.

Plus, as I've already mentioned, of the 75+ media who take part, about 30 are radio shows and podcasts. Scoring coverage with them is often easier than scoring coverage with national outlets. And if you decide later on you want national exposure, having appeared on or in smaller outlets already will have helped prepare you for it.

Rest assured, we train you in making the most of ANY publicity you receive—local, regional, or national. The principles of amplifying your exposure in the media remain the same, especally in this digital age. You can use your interviews, profiles, and quotes to generate more influence and income for years to come.

Q: Why are all these media people participating? What’s in it for them?

Several reasons. First, despite their daily deluge of press materials they’re always looking for good stories – and we’ve assured them they’ll find some at the Summit. Many of the journalists taking part are people we’ve known for years and they know we won’t waste their time. They also like the fact we’re giving all the attendees a lot of pre-event coaching to help them refine their pitches. Participating in the Summit gives producers and writers an unprecedented opportunity to meet many serious authors, experts, entrepreneurs and publicists in a few short hours. Some journalists are being paid a modest honorarium (since we’re asking many of them to give up their precious time) – but many decline to accept any kind of payment. In addition, most genuinely enjoy helping people and teaching them to craft a pitch that results in national publicity. Lastly, they know the event is going to be a lot of fun!

Q: Are these media people really the ones able to give me coverage?

Yes. These are folks who make decisions for the media they represent. We’re not connecting you with any interns or media organization public relations people – only people who help create the content for the show or magazine with which they work. Some of the big-time freelance writers write for several national magazines. It’s important to understand, however, that at some national shows and magazines, decisions aren’t made by just one person, they’re made by a group of people. This is why you’ll have such an incredible edge over others by participating in the Summit. If media members meet you online and are impressed with what you have to say, they’ll be more likely to go to bat for you in their behind-the-scenes meetings with colleagues.

Interviewed for seven minutes on Good Morning America Now

Thanks to a meeting I had with an ABC News producer at the National Publicity Summit I was interviewed for 7 minutes on Good Morning America Now. Within 48 hours of the Summit I was booked!

I also did over a dozen radio interviews and both O, the Oprah Magazine and More Magazine have requested galleys of my book.

I am a regular guest on at least five radio shows and a recurring guest on several more. As a result of the publicity that we have enjoyed since the Summit, many other radio shows, web shows, reporters and journalists regularly seek me out to conduct interviews. There are many times where I have shows and/or interviews to conduct on a daily basis, oftentimes two or three a day. Imagine having to take a week “off” just to have a break from all of the interviews, shows and publicity!

I will never be able to overstate the importance of attending the Summit and what has occurred as a result. Prior to the Summit, my appearance in the media was fairly regular, but not as often or as far-reaching as I would have liked. Since the Summit, we’ve exploded!

The training is unbelievable. As an attendee, you have access to the most incredible training, with the best and most experienced coaches, consultants and mentors in the business. By the time I arrived at the Summit, I was thoroughly prepared, educated and supported—a great way to go before the media!

I was absolutely dazzled by the organization of the entire Summit. It is quite a feat to not only accommodate 200 attendees, but to also ensure that everyone has ample opportunity to meet with the media. The organization of the event from start to finish was incredible. I was able to visit with every single media attendee whom I had signed up to see.

I would recommend the Summit to anyone serious about getting where they want to go, whether you have a business, a product, a service or a book. You are trained by the finest in the business of publicity, and the results speak for themselves.

I was naturally concerned about the expense of the Summit and whether or not it was all too good to be true because it certainly sounded too good to be true! At the conclusion of the Summit, a staff member asked me if the Summit met my expectations, and I said, “No.” When they looked surprised at my answer, I went to on to say that there was no way that I could ever have expected what the Summit turned out to be, or the results that attending the Summit have produced and continue to produce to this day.

— Carole Brody Fleet, author of Widows Wear Stilettos: A Practical and Emotional Guide for the Young Widow

Important: National TV appearances are highly competitive and challenging to secure, and only a small percentage of our attendees achieve them. The typical attendee is more likely to secure bookings on radio and/or podcasts. Success is not guaranteed and results vary based on individual effort, experience, and the market appeal of your book, product, or message.

Register for the Summit now and you’ll also receive
valuable bonuses to boost your chances of getting publicity

BONUS #1 – A video of yourself being interviewed so you can really show your media potential.

Why simply ask the media to trust you’ll give a good interview when you can show them you do? After the Summit, we’ll professionally film an interview with you. You'll answer a few questions about your area of expertise (and put those “sound bites” you’ve mastered to good use). The video will be yours to use to convince media to book you as a guest, and also to use on your website and on social media to promote your work.

BONUS #2 – A quarter-page ad in our Radio/TV Interview Report (RTIR) to help get the word out about you in a big way.

A quarterly print magazine, RTIR has become known as a “bible of the industry” when it comes to finding guests, especially for radio hosts. We’ll interview you in-depth and write you up in a way that showcases what you bring to the table as a guest.

Our clients who’ve been featured in RTIR have been booked on such shows as Good Morning America, CNN, and radio talk shows around the country. Most of your response will usually come from radio stations who’ll interview you via telephone.

Think about it: You could talk to people in San Francisco, Dallas and New York – all in one afternoon!

BONUS #3 – Up to three months' training in proven systems and strategies for selling more books.

Take part in up to 12 weeks of group coaching from my expert team in tried and tested ways to sell more books on Amazon and in bulk, increase your online following, land more FREE publicity for yourself and your work, and a lot more. Plus, you'll be entitled to two 45-minute consultations on how to launch your book most effectively!

Written up in USA Weekend!

I just did an interview with USA Weekend, the magazine that goes in 22 million newspapers every Sunday! It all happened because I met one of their editors at your event and was able to hand her my press materials. She told me she loved the title of my book, Thank You, Your Opinion Means Nothing to Me, and the fact that it’s a humorous and healing look at menopause. A few weeks later I received a call from one of their writers and did the interview right over the phone. If I hadn’t gone to your event I never would’ve gotten this exposure. Thanks!

— Nancy Blair, author of Thank You, Your Opinion Means Nothing to Me

Important: Major national media features are highly competitive and challenging to secure, and only a small percentage of our attendees achieve them. The typical attendee is more likely to secure bookings on radio and/or podcasts. Success is not guaranteed and results vary based on individual effort, experience, and the market appeal of your book, product, or message.

Two radio shows and a national TV booking!

I was booked on two radio shows and one national TV show, Fox News Channel’s Fox & Friends.

— Dr. Chris Kammer, America’s Favorite Dentist

Important: National TV appearances are highly competitive and challenging to secure, and only a small percentage of our attendees achieve them. The typical attendee is more likely to secure bookings on radio and/or podcasts. Success is not guaranteed and results vary based on individual effort, experience, and the market appeal of your book, product, or message.

Brace yourself, this is NOT a “cheap”
event – but it’s still a bargain

My National Publicity Summit might be the most expensive conference you’ve ever paid to take part in. That’s because there is nothing to compare it with. It’s a one-of-a-kind event.

There's simply no other way you could have direct, one-on-one access to 75+ media decision-makers and gatekeepers... especially from the comfort of your own home!

But for the sake of argument, let’s compare it to the cost of hiring a publicist. Most people wind up spending anywhere from $5,000.00 to $30,000.00 when they hire a professional PR person to make calls and send out press releases on their behalf.

But what do you think a publicist would charge you to do the impossible: to bring at least 75 top media into the office so you could meet them?

I’d say $50,000.00 or $100,000.00 – and those would be conservative estimates.

I believe a fair price to attend my National Publicity Summit is $10,000. And I’m convinced I could get that.

But as I thought about it more, I realized that if I charged $10,000, I’d make a lot of money but probably only attract a bunch of rich people who have boring topics. The media wouldn’t be very interested in meeting them.

Plus, I really do want this event to be affordable for many of my current clients who are on tight budgets.

Save Up To $1,100.00 When You Apply To Meet 75+ Media On Zoom Before Friday, March 21 at 9 pm Eastern (6 pm Pacific)

My regular price for the Summit is $5,997 — but you'll save up to $1,100.00, and get all the valuable bonuses described in this letter, when you apply before Friday, March 21 at 9 p.m. Eastern (6 p.m. Pacific).

Here are your two options for handling your tuition...


Three installments of just $1,779 (charged now, 30 days from now, and 60 days from now)


Save the most on your National Publicity Summit tuition with a single investment of $4,897

Whichever option you prefer, you’re charged only a $50 application fee until officially accepted. My team will review your application within 1-2 business days. We will charge your card for the tuition plan you choose as soon as we approve your application.

If my admissions team has any questions about your application, they may call or email you. (If we can't accept you, your application fee is fully refundable.)

While I'm certain the Summit's a great investment, you can request and will receive a full refund of your investment if you cancel before Tuesday, May 6. After that date, no cancellations, postponements or refunds are available because the event's format can accommodate only 65 participants, and you've committed to a spot that could otherwise have gone to someone else.

If for any reason we can’t accept you for the Summit, we will refund your $50 application fee.

I want to talk for a few minutes to those of you who may be “troubled” by the price...

How should I set the fee for an event for which there simply is nothing to compare it?

The media who will be participating in the National Publicity Summit represent publications and broadcasts that reach a total estimated audience of 500 million people. Many attendees each have the power to put you in front of well more than one million people.

One article in a major magazine… one appearance on a talk show… one paid speaking engagement… one idea or new relationship you get will repay many times the cost of taking part in the Summit. Click here to apply to the Summit

Think of how much money you’ve already spent (or will spend) producing your book or product. Taking part in the National Publicity Summit is an investment in your book and your career, not a cost. It’s an investment that can produce a staggering return. And, ask your accountant, but it may be even be tax-deductible for you.

You’re probably a lot closer to getting more publicity than you realize. Many people’s entire lives are transformed by acquiring the skill to think like a producer or writer and pitch them effectively.

"My confidence is through the roof!"

Important: Major national media features are highly competitive and challenging to secure, and only a small percentage of our attendees achieve them. The typical attendee is more likely to secure bookings on radio and/or podcasts. Success is not guaranteed and results vary based on individual effort, experience, and the market appeal of your book, product, or message.

This attendee appeared on both ABC’s The View and Good Morning America

The National Publicity Summit is awesome! Prior to attending the Summit, I had never appeared on national television, but that was my goal! Before the Summit, you trained me on specific things I could do to pitch myself. So when I met with the producer from ABC’s The View, I was able to pitch her on doing a timely segment on “nightmares” around Halloween. She loved it! A few days later, there I was, sitting with the show’s hosts. We were all dressed in costume and I was explaining the meaning of people’s scary dreams. But that’s not all. A few weeks later, I was booked on Good Morning America! Thanks to this incredible publicity, my sales have really taken off. I’ve become known as the leading expert in my field, and a distributor now wants to carry my book!

— Lauri Quinn Loewenberg, author of So, What Did You Dream Last Night and creator of TheDreamZone.com

NOTE: We're delighted Lauri has come back to our Summits as our guest to share what she's learned with other attendees.

Important: National TV appearances are highly competitive and challenging to secure, and only a small percentage of our attendees achieve them. The typical attendee is more likely to secure bookings on radio and/or podcasts. Success is not guaranteed and results vary based on individual effort, experience, and the market appeal of your book, product, or message.

Apply Today!
Once we get 65 qualified registrants for the National Publicity Summit — that’s it!

Obviously one of the major benefits of taking part in this event is the opportunity to meet the media. Therefore, I can’t have more than 65 qualified participants taking part in my Summit.

So I’m looking for the best 65 participants I can find. That’s why you’ll need to fill out an application along with the registration form. I'm in search of the 65 participants my media guests will love and, since it's such a big investment, we want you to be likely to get a lot out of it.

It’s not necessary for you to have written a book, but it is important you have a topic I think would be of interest to the media (or could be shaped that way) and that you have sufficient credentials or experience related to your topic.

I’ve promised the media they will meet some interesting people they can interview now or in the future. And I don’t want to be embarrassed by having people they don’t want to meet. As soon as we receive your application form and payment, we’ll review your application and make sure we feel it’s in all of our interests to have you participate. If not, we’ll let you know soon after we receive your application.

Regular Guest on Fox News Channel

One of my goals in attending the National Publicity Summit was to leave with media interviews and bookings. This certainly happened for me. I was booked on about a half-dozen radio shows and even filmed a segment for an internet woman’s TV show while at the Summit.

In addition to the bookings, two other things came out of the Summit that I wasn’t expecting and am really excited about. At the Summit, I met one of the senior editors at Psychology Today and am now the “official” blogger on Alpha Females, an opportunity which aligns beautifully with the release of my new book by the same name!

I had been a guest on Fox News a couple of times prior to coming to the Summit. Meeting several Fox producers at the Summit, including one I had worked with before, was a highlight for me. I was contacted by one of these producers about a month after the Summit and was invited to become a regular medical commentator on America’s Newsroom. I’ve been there twice already and I’m invited back next week.

As a result of the publicity I got from the Summit, my website hits are growing every day as well as my book sales and speaking opportunities, but, most of all, my confidence is the most powerful it’s ever been. I am confident speaking with any producer. For instance, I recently watched a show and I pitched the producers in my area of expertise via email. Although they didn’t call me, there were 200 hits from their network on my website that day, so I KNOW they now have me on their radar screen! Thanks to the training I received and the experience of pitching producers and journalists at the Summit, I knew exactly what to do and how to do it. I will follow up and get it done, meaning, I will get booked!

I believe the Summit is an amazing opportunity which exceeded my expectations from day one. I would recommend the Summit with no hesitation, particularly to those who feel they have worked very hard to prepare their work behind the scenes and are ready to share their gifts with the world.

— Dr. Gaby Cora, author of Leading Under Pressure and Alpha Female

Note: We’re delighted Gaby has come back to our Summits as our guest to share what she’s learned with other attendees.

Important: National TV appearances are highly competitive and challenging to secure, and only a small percentage of our attendees achieve them. The typical attendee is more likely to secure bookings on radio and/or podcasts. Success is not guaranteed and results vary based on individual effort, experience, and the market appeal of your book, product, or message.

Booked on ABC’s The View and the cover of Entrepreneur

I was thrilled with the media coverage I received from attending Steve Harrison’s National Publicity Summit. I was booked on ABC’s The View and also got a cover story in Entrepreneur magazine. One of the best things about getting publicity is the snowball effect that’s been created. After I was on The View, I was able to get booked on CNN, which then led to a four-page spread in People Magazine.

The media training and preparation before and during the Summit was excellent. I’ve parlayed it into major interviews on public radio, and used the media as references for international speaking gigs. I’m now a regular contributor to entrepreneur.com and a coach on several highly trafficked websites and blogs.

I recommend the Summit to anyone looking to learn about PR and the media. It’s the biggest bang for your buck you’ll find, not just in terms of the information about PR and marketing, which is extensive, or in the practice you’ll get honing your message for delivery to the world, which is powerful, but in the contacts and connections you’ll make both in the media and among the participants.

The Summit is an exciting, informative and exceedingly well-run opportunity for those who are ready to publicize their work.

— Rory Cohen 

Important: National TV appearances are highly competitive and challenging to secure, and only a small percentage of our attendees achieve them. The typical attendee is more likely to secure bookings on radio and/or podcasts. Success is not guaranteed and results vary based on individual effort, experience, and the market appeal of your book, product, or message.

Within six hours of the first session, this attendee was interviewed by the Fox News Channel
Buddy Spilchuk

At your National Publicity Summit, I expected to meet a lot of media and develop some relationships. But something happened that I never would have expected. A producer from Fox News Channel literally grabbed us by the hand and said, “Are you available to come into the studio tonight at 5 p.m.?” And honest to goodness, at 5:00 we were [at the studio] and we taped 15 minutes. You owe it to yourself to come to the Summit so the media can find out who you are.

Barry Spilchuk, co-author of the Let’s Talk series

Important: National TV appearances are highly competitive and challenging to secure, and only a small percentage of our attendees achieve them. The typical attendee is more likely to secure bookings on radio and/or podcasts. Success is not guaranteed and results vary based on individual effort, experience, and the market appeal of your book, product, or message.

Been trying to get on national TV for months… finally did thanks to Summit

I’ve been trying to get booked on ABC’s The View for months. I tried every available avenue. Even my hairdresser assisted. She colors and styles one of the hosts and a top producer. Every time she did their hair, my hairdresser bugged them about putting me on the show. One of the main reasons I signed up for the National Publicity Summit was because The View was going to be represented there. I met with a producer from The View and she really liked my pitch. Shortly after the Summit, an article came out in the New York Times about how hard nursery school admissions had become, and I knew it was a good excuse to follow up with the producer from the Summit. Finally they bit and my segment aired less than two months later.

— Karen Quinn, author of The Ivy Chronicles

Important: National TV appearances are highly competitive and challenging to secure, and only a small percentage of our attendees achieve them. The typical attendee is more likely to secure bookings on radio and/or podcasts. Success is not guaranteed and results vary based on individual effort, experience, and the market appeal of your book, product, or message.

Featured in Essence and Black Enterprise

Thanks to what I learned about publicity at the National Publicity Summit I was featured in Essence Magazine and Black Enterprise magazine. The increased publicity has led to speaking engagements and new coaching clients, and gave visibility and increased sales to my books. Publicity leads to more publicity! To me, publicity is like good credit… when you establish good credit, it’s easy to get more credit. Once you land a few good publicity hits, it’s easier to get more publicity.

— Lisa J. Whaley, author of Prisoners of Technology

Important: Major national media features are highly competitive and challenging to secure, and only a small percentage of our attendees achieve them. The typical attendee is more likely to secure bookings on radio and/or podcasts. Success is not guaranteed and results vary based on individual effort, experience, and the market appeal of your book, product, or message.

Booked on Today Show twice and more!

Thanks to Steve Harrison’s National Publicity Summit, I have appeared on Today Show (twice), Fox and Friends, Fox’s Good Day New York, Hallmark Channel’s New Morning, MORE Magazine, Essence Magazine, The Boston Globe, The San Francisco Sentinel, MSN.com, The Huffington Post and at least 25 radio stations throughout the country.

In most cases I was booked directly from the producers and journalists I met at the National Publicity Summit. Others I got from using what Steve taught me at the Summit about how to attract the media’s attention—the do’s and the don’ts.

Steve and the Summit taught me how to be concise, clear and quick about getting my message across and how to provide producers with complete show ideas.

I have become a go-to guest for many producers. They are calling me when looking for someone with my expertise.

Every time my name appears in print or on a website the hits on my website skyrocket. Just a mention within an article triples my daily hits. When I am on TV, I can get as many as 10,000 hits on that day. All that traffic brings in hundreds of new members to my online communities and all this grows my database of members. My visibility is really expanding and publicity is the magic that makes this happen.

Before I decided to go to the Summit I had some concerns. Never having done anything like this before, it was intimidating. Probably the biggest fear was whether my investment was going to return dividends. So many times, you pay a lot of money and the results are minimal. That didn’t happen at the National Publicity Summit. Steve makes sure you get more than you bargained for.

Oh, yes, one more thing. The preparation you get leading up to the Summit is terrific. Steve’s staff helped all of us prepare and craft our pitches in the most media-friendly way. That’s so important because prior to the Summit I found it very difficult to rein in everything I wanted to say in a concise and WOW kind of way.

— Linda Franklin, author of No Man Wants to Date His Mother… Unleash Your Real Cougar to Attract Any Man at Any Age

Important: National TV appearances are highly competitive and challenging to secure, and only a small percentage of our attendees achieve them. The typical attendee is more likely to secure bookings on radio and/or podcasts. Success is not guaranteed and results vary based on individual effort, experience, and the market appeal of your book, product, or message.

If you’re serious about getting publicity, I urge you to apply today.

If you don’t, you might never again have the chance to meet all these media movers and shakers.
Click here to apply to the Summit

I’m looking forward to helping you get the publicity you deserve!

Steve Harrison, Director, National Publicity Summit

P.S. — Remember, it’s harder than ever to get the attention of producers and writers. They’re difficult to reach on the phone. They’ll probably never invite you to their office to chat. This could be your ONLY chance to meet so many of them face-to-face online.

Apply For One Of Just 65 Spots To Meet Media Via Zoom Who Can Feature You